Coffee Collective - Rodriguez Espresso 2023

250 grams for €19.74, from Coffee Collective.
Ground with Perfetto, Brewed with Flair Pro 2
2023, May 09

On a trip to Copenhagen, we couldn't resist stopping by the famous Coffee Collective to try their Rodriguez Espresso. At 147 DKK (roughly 19.74 Euros) for 250g, this is undoubtedly the most expensive coffee we've ever had the pleasure of tasting.

Dialed in at 0.5 on the Perfetto, the brew was quite slow, but the result was well worth the wait. The espresso was surprisingly sweet and fruity. For the first time ever, I tasted distinct notes of strawberry 🍓 in an espresso, coupled with hints of apple, a unique and delightful experience.

With a proper preheat, the espresso revealed even more of its character. The clarity and sweetness were enhanced, and I started to notice the subtle undertones of caramel, milk chocolate, and peach. The Rodriguez Espresso from Coffee Collective is a luxurious treat, that might have activated some placebo effect due to the price ;)