Screaming Rwenzori Mountains Uganda 2022


225 grams for €9.45, from Screaming Beans Amsterdam.
Ground with Perfetto, Brewed with flair signature
2022, Jan 03

First brew of the new year! And what a fine one: the last of our Screaming Beans tasting package called the Rwenzori Mountains, washed beans from Uganda.

Such a forgiving and kind to brew bean. The bag says it's for filter and yes, we've made some fine v60 from these but I have to say these shine in the espresso. Gorgeous perfect flow with the 1,0 setting on the Perfetto.

Such an extremely soft and smooth drink. Nutty, caramelly, a slight hint of peach. Little texture, great creaminess. Very consistent as well, great shots all through the bag. Straight 9/10, might even be the Boot Panamaria beater. In addition to the first brew of the year: the first cobtastic mark of the year! Well done Screaming Beans.