Square Mile Red Brick 2021
350 grams for €12.81, from Square Mile.This is an exciting one, for the owner the Square Mile coffee brand is none other than James Hoffman.
As I was hasting myself to order an autographed version of the "World Atlas of Coffee" table book like the little youtube fanboy I am, I decided to throw in a bag of Red Brick coffee and witness if his beans are as good as his video's.
I have to say, design of the bag is ace! The Red Brick beans are quite a light roast, far less dark than the previous couple of beans I got. It produced a pleasantly fresh cup, not so sweet with a citrussy taste of tangerine. When dialing in a little more I was able to produce an even better, darker brew and managed to bring down the acidity even further.
It was no easy bean for my espresso for sure, and importing this bean from the UK was a bit much. To conclude I do have to say I like the book and video's better, but might have to give the other bags a try as well.