Wakuli Katana Dr Congo 2021
225 grams for €6.30, from Wakuli.The Katana is a pretty special delivery by Wakuli. Rated with a cupping score of 87 out of 100, this central african coffee is something different. It started with the smell when opening the bag: very earthy floral notes, and small light roasted beans. Because of the lightness of the roast, I was already suspecting this coffee might really shine in a pourover setup versus my usual approach of making espresso with the Flair espresso maker.
Just to give it a try, I started trying to get the proper grind size which took me 4 tries with a range of 0,5 to 2, ending with an acceptable but still slightly sour shot. Along the dialing in shots I got some very fresh notes. Peachy, with a very light body. As the description said, almost a tea-like mouthfeel. Arriving at a nice and runny 30 second shot the espresso was a lot smoother but still had quite a tangy edge that I did not like that much.
Getting a nice cup with the alternative methods went a lot better. We started off with the aeropress, which immediately produced a nice, cup that added some spice notes to the peach. But the Katana coffee really shone when we tried the V60. I've not blogged about the V60 before, and still have to do a writeup on my experiences (Edit: check my V60 blog) with it but I can already spoil that it as an awesome method to turn these funky fresh new origin coffees into a super smooth and tasteful drink.
I'd have to do some research to find out how cupping scores are calculated. Taste is extremely subjective of course, and I can definitely see this coffee is really something different, but it wasn't exactly my taste.
If you want to try Wakuli yourself, make sure to use The snoffeecob Wakuli referral link! so we both get an extra bag of coffee!