Eureka Mignon Perfetto coffee grinder first impressions
Exciting news: I've upgraded our grinder situation and got a Eureka Mignon Perfetto! After using the Baratza Encore for Aeropress since June…
Wednesday January 27, 2021 — 6 minute readExciting news: I've upgraded our grinder situation and got a Eureka Mignon Perfetto! After using the Baratza Encore for Aeropress since June…
Wednesday January 27, 2021 — 6 minute readIt's been a while since we've got some coffee from Simon Lévelt, but since we enjoy their tea a lot as well we added this to the order. Come…
Wednesday January 20, 2021 — 1 minute readThe last bag of our Zwarte Roes tasting set is the Giraldo Colombia. The bar was set pretty high by the ./zwarteroes-fazenda-do-lobo-202…
Saturday January 16, 2021 — 1 minute readcobtastic
Bag 3 of 4 we got from Zwarte Roes is called Fazenda do Lobo, medium roasted beans from the Foresti Family in Brasil. And man, this one hits…
Sunday January 10, 2021 — 1 minute readNext up in the Zwarte Roes series (bag 2 out of 4) is Blend No1, the most "all-round" of all Zwarte Roes coffee's. Described as an…
Saturday January 2, 2021 — 1 minute readLet's get started on a new series. I ordered the Zwarte Roes tasting bundle, containing 4 different coffee's. Zwarte Roes is a specialty…
Wednesday December 30, 2020 — 1 minute readOne of the challenging parts of manual esspresso making without electronics is heat management. For a proper extraction, it is absolutely…
Saturday December 26, 2020 — 2 minute readcobtastic
After trying out a bunch of light roasts and "working hard" to get a good espresso out of them, I decided to take a different approach. At…
Friday December 25, 2020 — 1 minute readWe quite enjoyed these Wakuli beans from peru. The beans themselves had a pleasant smell of oranges and flowers. When trying to turn these…
Saturday December 5, 2020 — 1 minute readThis is a special one! One of this blogs biggest fans (snoffeecoblers?, snoffeecobs? cobpeople? let me know in the comments below) has…
Wednesday December 2, 2020 — 2 minute read